There is an outdated ideia that the life of a scientist is to be isoled, making experiments just for curiosity. Actually, we need to communicate and share results to get funds for our research and impact the scientific world and the society in general. Thus, it is very important to know how to present scientific data. More and more professors are requesting images with high quality to their students. Also, many scientific magazines are requesting graphical abstracts to publish a paper. If need to create better graphical abstracts too, you can use mind the graph to create professional graphical abstracts and presentations to your scientific data.

We have many students that use mind the graph. However, you know scientific life isn’t easy and sometimes it’s hard to find the money to invest in our work. Because of that, many professors encourage their students, supporting the financial cost to use the platform. Moreover, it’s very easy to get an invoice, so the University itself reimburse the payments.

Thus, if you are a professor and want to improve how your students present their work, write to us. We’ll provide all the support your students need to learn how to create better graphical abstracts and presentations. Thus, they can enjoy our library with thousands of scientific illustrations. Also, we provide invoices with all financial details you need to be reimbursed from University.

Look some benefits of being a premium user:


Request new illustrations ‘on demand’

The “on demand” service is the major difference between Free users and Premium users. If you don’t find the illustration you need, no worries! As a premium user, you can request new illustrations at no extra cost.

“Many thanks for the previous bird and parasite icons which look very good! Today I would like to ask for 3 more bird species:

  • European Turtle Dove (sitting and in flight if possible)
  • Wilson’s storm-petrel (in flight)
  • Long-tailed duck (male and female)”



Behold bilder i privat modus

You will create a profile on Mind the Graph that can be used as a portfolio of your creation and your data. However, if there is any creation you don’t want to share, you can put in private mode. It’s possible to choose public or private mode for your creations only if you are a premium user. All creations of free users are in public mode.



Opprette presentasjoner


En viktig del av det å være forsker er å delta på vitenskapelige kongresser og presentere nye resultater. Det er imidlertid ikke alltid like lett å organisere informasjonen på en vakker måte som fanger publikums oppmerksomhet. Med mind the Graph kan du slutte å holde kjedelige presentasjoner.. Premium users have an unlimited  number of slides available.


Ubegrenset opplasting av bilder


Du kan laste opp bildene dine for å tenke på grafen og bruke dem i kreasjonene dine. Hvis du vil importere vitenskapelige data og diagrammer eller andre bilder, er premiumabonnementet det beste alternativet for deg. Gratisbrukere kan bare laste opp ett bilde.

Se for eksempel denne flotte infografikken med 5 bilder som brukeren har lastet opp:

infografico_rui (2)

Hvis du vil se flere fordeler ved å være premiumbruker, kan du klikke her. Men hvis du føler deg klar, kan du begynne nå:



Abonner på nyhetsbrevet vårt

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