We really like to show off our users incredible work – especially if they are publishing papers using Mind the Graph illustrations and tools.

So, today we’ll show you the research of a premium user at the mind the graph, Stefania Forner.  Her review article was recently published in Trends in Neurosciences entitled Synaptic impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease: A dysregulated symphony.  She made two Alzheimer’s graphical abstracts to illustrate her work.

First, let’s begin with a little introduction of Stefania studying field:

Alzheimer disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes cognitive deficits and memory loss.  AD is the sixth leading cause of death in the USA and affects 35 millioner mennesker rundt om i verden.

Evidence suggests that there is a causal role between the cognitive deficits of AD and synapse loss. Also, synapse dysfunction may are related to two pathological pathway. An extracellular accumulation of beta-amyloid peptid og intracellulær akkumulering av tau-protein.

Det er kjent at disse to prosessene spiller en viktig rolle ved Alzheimers sykdom. Et av de store, grunnleggende spørsmålene som gjenstår, er imidlertid knyttet til det molekylære forholdet mellom beta-amyloid og tau, og hvordan disse to aktørene gjensidig forårsaker svekket synaptisk funksjon ved Alzheimers sykdom.

For å analysere tau-proteinets og beta-amyloidpeptidets innvirkning på synaptisk funksjon og Alzheimers sykdom hver for seg, brukte Stefania to grafiske sammendrag hun laget på Mind the Graph-plattformen. Den ene viser dannelsen av beta-amyloide oligomerer og mekanismene for synaptisk toksisitet, og den andre viser sammenhengen mellom tau-protein og synapser i nevroner.  

Alzheimer’s graphical abstracts

Alzheimers sykdom




“Notably, studies investigating the molecular relationship between Aß, tau and synaptic deficits and/or loss, have shed light on how these pathologies could ultimately lead to cognitive decline in patients. The identification of several potential pre- and postsynaptic pathways may contribute to the underlying clinical symptoms of AD.”


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