Do you want to keep up with science, but reading articles just doesn’t satisfy you? Are you sick and tired of textbook science courses?
In the last few years, podcasts have become increasingly popular for delivering news and information from around the globe.
It’s possible to listen to podcasts about science that suits your interests, including those that cover the universe, natural science, medical news, or even environmental concerns.
The variety of shows extends from topic-specific programs to funny and lighthearted science shows.
Below are the top podcasts about science to get you started. Whether you’re interested in space or the anatomy of the body, you’ll find all of it here.
1. RadioLab

In RadioLab, Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich investigate the science behind the biggest mysteries, taking audiences on an enigmatic journey through space and time.
This podcast has been awarded the Peabody Award and the National Academies Communication Award. Jad received a MacArthur Genius Grant for his ongoing efforts to provide intriguing content to audiences.
Recomended Episodes: Dreams, Flop Off, Worst. Year. Ever
2. Stuff to Blow Your Mind

Exploring the unknowns and wonders of science are the themes of this show with Robert Lamb and Joe McCormick as the hosts.
While the show discusses one bizarre subject per episode in all its weirdness, Stuff to Blow Your Mind takes the time to discuss the anomalies we have been curious about.
Recomended Episodes: How the sun works, How terraforming will work
3. 60-Second Science

You can use 60-Second Science for a quick science fix if you do not have enough time or patience. Featuring “bites” from the popular science magazine Scientific American, this is one of the podcasts about sciente that offers an insider’s look at the most recent scientific discoveries.
Recomended Episodes: Most recent science discovery episode
4. Gastropod

You should check out Gastropod if you’re fascinated by food, or if you’re wondering about your food. Cynthia Graber and Nicola Twilley are dynamic hosts who explain the science and history of different foods in each episode.
Investigating the way food is grown, raised, and processed to become what we eat. A lot of its episodes include field trips, which are frequently followed by expert interviews.
Recomended Episodes: Fries, Trick or Treat, Baked
5. Science Vs

Bringing together scientists and experts, the episodes present beliefs and opinions through the lens of science.
Science Vs. examines the most popular theories of the day. Podcasts hosted by Wendy Zuckerman, an avid writer of science, were acquired from the ABC by Gimlet Media in 2015, making it one of the top podcasts about science available.
Some episodes have been dedicated to dispelling myths and false information about the Coronavirus for example.
Recomended Episodes: Omicron: Do You Need to Freak Out?, Ancient Aliens: Who Really Built The Pyramids?
6. Invisibilia

The vast majority of podcasts about science focus on specific topics like physical or biological science, but NPR’s Invisibilia focuses on non-linear topics like thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and faith.
In their exploration of these topics from the science perspective, co-hosts Alix Spiegel and Hanna Rosin provide insights into such elusive subjects together with expert guests. A number of episodes give an in-depth look at incidents or stories associated with the topic.
Recomended Episodes: Therapy with Friends, A Friendly Ghost Story
7. The Naked Scientists

Interested in listening to scientific interviews between scientists? Check out this podcast.
The Naked Scientists was revived by the BBC in 2003 after Dr Chris Smith, a Cambridge University lecturer, and consultant virologist produced a radio program as a medical student.
The program is now broadcast weekly by BBC 5 Live (the title is a joint venture with Australia’s Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki) is a podcast worth listening to.
During each episode, a leading scientist or researcher is interviewed, and we learn more about scientific breakthroughs.
Recomended Episodes: The Science Behind Wearing Face Masks, The science of telescopes
8. Nature

Nature, whose content is drawn from the International Journal of Science, is a must-listen for serious nature science aficionados.
The show covers a wide array of topics, from newsy items like, say, Coronavirus reporting, to detailed profiles and information not typically covered.
Many different journalists and presenters take part in the show. The content is always fresh and fascinating. According to the show’s description, the show offers “the latest science stories.”
Recomended Episodes: Most recent episodes
9. Ologies

Psychology, geology, and biology are all -ologies. Alie Ward speaks with experts across many “ologies,” finding out how they work as well as surprising tidbits and intriguing discoveries even in the most improbable fields.
Get ready to learn about topics you may not have heard about before that. This is true! From the most bizarre science comes the most beneficial science!
Recomended Episodes: Tiktokology (THE TIKTOK APP) with Hank Green, Eudemonology (HAPPINESS) with Dr. Laurie Santos
9. Houston We Have A Podcast

There is no other way to get closer to the NASA Johnson Space Center than this official podcast. Ever wanted to be an astronaut?
Whether you were a child or an adult. If you’re into topics such as making space suits, training for space flight, or how they live in zero gravity, then this is something you can’t miss.
Their detailed coverage of these topics, paired with their witty approaches, make the show a real treat. Besides Gary Jordan as host, NASA scientists are frequently featured on the show, giving you insider information.
Recomended Episodes: Space Communications, Eye to the Earth
We hope you enjoyed our suggestions and have as much fun as we did listening to all those incredible podcasts about science. And if you’re looking to be updated on science trends, here’s an additional reading suggestion: 16 Infographic and Visual Design Trends.
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