Studenter som er på utkikk etter en høyere utdanningsinstitusjon, vil sannsynligvis alle bruke det samme ordet for å beskrive opplevelsen: overveldende. There are endless factors to consider when selecting a school: rankings, graduate outcomes, student demographics, faculty members, available programs and courses, alumni employment, student life, and much more. This amount statistical data would leave anyone’s head spinning, let alone prospective students who are already stressed about passing their entrance exams or being admitted to their dream school. The process of comparing schools and selecting the right one should be the easy part!

That’s why we are using infographics.

En bransjerapport for 2019 publisert av den internasjonale søkemotoren for høyere utdanning found that infographics play a huge role in a student’s decision on a college or university. According to the report, det er 105% mer sannsynlig at studenter siterer infografikk as an influence when choosing one university over another. When deciding between two or more programs, students are 75% more likely to rate infographics as highly important. This proves that visual information like infographics is gaining influence.Presentere informasjon med bilder og interessant grafikk grabs readers’ attention more effectively enn tekst alene. Students quickly skimming a university website for quick stats and facts about the school or program are more likely to spend time reading an infographic than stand-alone text or statistics. Besides the scientific evidence behind information consumption, why are students increasingly drawn to infographics when making important decisions in their academic careers?

  • Sammenlign statistikk på en enkel måte

Choosing a college or university is about more than the feeling a student gets from walking across its campus. There are many statistical variables to compare between schools or even between programs. For example: 

  • Hvor finnes de beste programmene innen deres interessefelt? 
  • If they’re looking for a small liberal arts school, how many students attend the university? 
  • Hvor stor andel av studentene er internasjonale? 
  • What’s the male to female ratio of the student body? 
  • Hvor stor prosentandel av de som studerer programmet har fått jobb innen det aktuelle fagområdet?

An infographic can show all these statistics! You can use a world map to illustrate where to find the best schools for medicine. Also, graphs like pie charts can illustrate student demographics, while bar charts can illustrate your higher chance of attaining your dream job with a university degree. These facts and statistics can all look fairly bland when listed numerically, but can komme til liv med noen få grafiske elementer! Å kunne visualisere forskjellene mellom skolene kan hjelpe elevene til å se en klar vinner.

Eksempel på infografikk ved hjelp av diagrammer
Eksempel på infografikk ved hjelp av diagrammer
  • Spar verdifull tid

Due to the sheer number of statistics to compare, or maybe because the student is comparing a variety of schools or programs, a decision about higher education can take a long time. That’s why any tool that saves students time is valuable. When you display the data using infographics, a cursory glance is often sufficient to provide the student with a good overview of the school or program. In the past, prospective students waded through pages of text to collect the most important information about a school. To save students time and effort you can present the information clearly using infographics.

  • Engasjer deg i innholdet

I motsetning til tradisjonelt skriftlig innhold, oppmuntrer grafiske fremstillinger leserne til å samhandle og engasjere seg i informasjonen som presenteres. It transforms the consumer from a passive reader to an active participant, thereby making the information more memorable. Communicating university statistics in an infographic has the added benefit of brand recognition. The information needs to stick in the student’s memory. An infographic that uses the school’s colors and plays with themes like its mascot or landmark can do that. Visually engaging information makes an impact.

eksempel på infografikk med blå som hovedfarge
Eksempel på infografikk med blå som hovedfarge

It’s clear why so many students are relying on infographics to make important decisions in their academic career. Infographics help students compare school and program statistics, easily view and digest the information, and engage fully with the facts. In conclusion, the future of infographics in the field of academia looks bright.

Bildene og malene som er brukt i dette innlegget, er fra Mind the Graph. Gjør et forsøk!

Forfatterens biografi

Keely Witherow er skribent for og, nettsteder som hjelper folk med å finne den beste utdanningen for dem. Hun har studert ved skoler i USA, Frankrike og Sverige, og vet hvor stor betydning utdanningen din har for livet ditt. Følg henne på LinkedIn hvis du deler hennes lidenskap for bedrifts- og studentutdanning!


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