Har du noen gang hørt om Guernica? Den gråtende kvinnen? Eller Jente med mandolin?

Dette er noen av de mest kjente verkene til mesteren Pablo Picasso selv, i hvert fall ifølge internett!

Men når man har produsert over 1500 kunstneriske verk i løpet av et helt liv, er det litt vanskelig å velge ut noen av de aller beste.

I tillegg til å være den mest kjente og innflytelsesrike maleren gjennom tidene, er Picasso også kjent for å ha oppfunnet og oppdaget en rekke nye malestiler og kunstformer, som skulptur og collage, samtidig som han hadde sine egne kunstfaser, som den blå perioden, kubismeperioden og så videre.

And after all his accomplishments, here we wonder – what would he have thought about the infographics and their creation process as we have today?

Å lage infografikk er en kunst

We, at Mind the Graph, strongly believe that designing a beautiful piece of graph is no less than painting an empty canvas to express what you can’t verbally.

Begge er parallelle på den måten at en nøyaktig gjengivelse av en følelse, et faktum eller en trend kanskje ikke er like lett mulig eller forståelig som farger på et papirark, sølt på en slik måte at de på en presis måte presenterer det budskapet som skaperen ønsker å formidle til seerne.

Nevertheless, in the past few years, we’ve come across a large number of charts attempting to exhibit information but failing miserably at it because of small mistakes committed from its creator’s end.

Therefore, hereon we attempt to tackle each of these errors and while we’re at it, give you some basic tips to turn your infographic into a masterpiece, quite like the maestro himself.

Hvorfor er infografikk viktig i det hele tatt?

Grafer har blitt brukt i flere tiår nå på grunn av deres evne til å få frem budskapet på en effektiv måte. For en rask oppsummering har vi listet opp noen få grunner nedenfor.

Å kommunisere et budskap på en kompakt måte

It is very important to communicate clear messages in the most effective and attractive way possible, just like Picasso used to. His paintings touched the audiences in their heart’s innermost crevices and your chart needs to reach your viewer’s deepest consciousness. That is a great way to ensure an information’s recall value. The numbers suggest that up to 65% av data kan huskes av en leser hvis den deles gjennom et bilde sammen med teksten.

Økt forståelse for lekfolk

Not everyone is a whiz at statistics and mathematics – I know I’m not – and you need to keep that in mind while publishing your reports. It could be a topic as simple as how you spent your entire day or a complex one like the division of sources of income in an economy, your results would only be of use when they can be comprehended by all interested parties. The use of a graph is an amazing solution to that!

Enklere å analysere data og se årsakssammenhenger

The readers of your infographic are not always looking for exact figures but sometimes just for a cause behind the fluctuations in a certain element or factor. This analysis is simpler to go through with when one is dealing with line charts or bar graphs as opposed to tabulated data with a bunch of statistical formulae applied to it.

Raskere oppdagelse av mønstre

Realizing the presence of an existing or upcoming pattern or trend is incredibly useful, especially when dealing with time-sensitive data. Be it the predictions for the share market, climate change, or even something as significant as matters of national security, charts prove useful in providing information at a glance.

Visually appealing which draws a reader’s attention

A layman browsing through a case study or a survey report may not be as interested in reading the entire 40-page report you’ve published as he/ she would be in knowing the end result and maybe the causative factors. The best plan of action in such cases is to create infographics that can give him/ her the exact information they’re looking for without having to go through long pages of technical terms and statistical data. 49% of marketers, as per a survey by Venngage, emphasize the use of visual content for their blogs.

Hvorfor valgte vi Picasso som tema?

Picasso er utvilsomt en av de største mesterne i sin kunst, og som vi diskuterte ovenfor, er det å lage infografikk en minst like stor kunstform.

But if you’re wondering out of all artists why we chose to go with him – well, read along to find your answers.

Han ville brukt alle verktøy han hadde til rådighet

The painter was never, what you would call a fussy artist by any means. In fact, he was once famously quoted as saying that he would use blue color instead of red if that was what was available to him. He did not worry about the means – what he really cared about however was putting forth his message with as much clarity and conviction as possible.

Similar to him, while creating a graph, you have to be ready to use any and every tool that is feasible and employable for a successful and crisp communication. Mind the Graph is one such super-efficient tool that can help you create the best and most beautifully comprehensive charts for all your scientific and technical reporting. It not only helps your brand get an edge on the digital platforms with higher views and traffic but is above all, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COST. With us, you can go ahead with designing some attractive infographics and tables with the best graph generator online.

Han ville aldri slutte å skape

Pablo firmly believed in a thought he preached – “Learn the tools like a pro so you can break them like an artist.”

It was his opinion that to create anything, you have to first understand what you’re working with. Only once you have a complete grasp of the same can you utilize the minutest uses the “tool” has to offer while building up your own masterpiece.

He also held a steadfast conviction that one can come near perfection only by continuous practice and he wouldn’t have given up creating charts until he created the best ones out there – the ones which sent the right information to the intended audience in a way that is easily comprehensible.

Coincidently, that is also the secret behind online success – experiment! And keep experimenting till you have achieved the goals you’ve set for yourself while beginning with the creation process.

Han ville strebe etter minimalisme

“Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.”

And similar to paintings and sculptures, to create infographics, you should be using the same approach. A pictorial representation of data in itself means you shouldn’t have to write too many words to share the message swiftly. However, oftentimes marketers, students, teachers, and researchers alike have been seen committing this error of trying to encapsulate too much information in the graph.

The resultant product is a chart that is too loud and noisy with a lot of inessential information that could have easily been made a part of the footnote instead. Not only does this bring down the visual appeal of the figure, but it also repels readers instead of attracting them, because let’s be honest – if they wanted to read so much to understand your point, they would have gone through the entire report and not just the infographic.

Simultaneously, even if a viewer is interested in the subject, he/ she might just want to take a look at the end result of your research before deciding whether or not they want to study the whole thing.

Følgende bilde gir for eksempel tydelig uttrykk for fakta, samtidig som det er minimalistisk og kreativt.

Han ville strebe etter unikhet i infografikk, hver eneste gang

Picasso var en unik kunstner, og maleriene hans forble også unike opp gjennom årene. Selv i de forskjellige kreative periodene hans, som den blå perioden, der han hovedsakelig brukte fargen blå i maleriene sine, var hvert maleri forskjellig i hva det formidlet til betrakteren og hvordan det fikk dem til å føle seg.

Ikke ulikt ham, er det det du også må strebe etter i din rapportering. Selv om temaet allerede er behandlet av tusenvis før deg, må du vise leseren at din forskning er annerledes enn deres. Og den raskeste måten å gjøre det på, er ved å bruke infografikk. På denne måten kan leserne raskt gå gjennom resultatene dine og de sammenhengene og mønstrene som diskuteres i rapporten, og forstå hvordan din studie er unik i sin tilnærming. Dette vil videre føre til at de faktisk leser rapporten din i stedet for å hoppe over den på grunn av et overbrukt tema.

At the same time, you also have to take care that each graph that you’re creating is special and distinctive from any that you’ve made before – be it for the same paper or another piece altogether. We can understand the temptation of using the same style or at the very least a similar one as to one that succeeded before. Nevertheless, you still have to keep in mind that if you keep using the same styles, your infographics will become monotonous for the reader even if the data shared is different.

Mind the Graph kan nok en gang hjelpe deg gjennom denne gåten ved å tilby sine ulike særegne maler for alle dine rapporteringsbehov. Det er til syvende og sist opp til deg selv å avgjøre om du vil bruke disse eller lage en fra bunnen av, men verktøyene våre vil definitivt kunne hjelpe deg i begge tilfeller.

Han ville aldri utsette å lage infografikk

The maestro once said, “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”

And true to his word, when it came to producing art, be it a painting, a sculpture, or even a simple mural, he abstained from procrastination. We are sure he wouldn’t have left creating a chart for later either, unlike what you’re doing right now!

Vi vet hvor godt det noen ganger kan føles å bare la oppgaven ligge til i morgen. Det er også kjent at merkevarer og bedrifter ofte gjør det. De utsetter også idédugnader om og om igjen, helt til det er på høy tid å publisere en kreasjon.

Delaying your content production schedule is just going to result in becoming one of those things that you’ve got to do on a Friday evening before you leave for the weekend.

Plus you know what Benjamin Franklin said about a rushed task – great haste makes great waste!

Why not start early? Plan your outline and framework in advance and then move into the finer details of the information to be transmitted. Take your time to create some visually attractive infographics and publish them. This will further help you in understanding what works for your target audience and what is something they’d rather avoid.

Han ville fokusere på fargepaletter 

We’ve all frequently come across different colored things, dresses, places, and while looking at some have made us happy, some made us sad, some kept us calm and some made us mad. This is also what Color Psychology dictates. It focuses on the different effects the various colors can have on us.

Each color can have a different impact on a person based on the context it is used in. The color Red when made a part of a Valentine’s Day celebration signifies love, but use it in a skull on an electric meter and it instantly creates unrest in the viewer’s mind, telling them that danger lies ahead.

Det er utrolig viktig å bruke farger nøyaktig når man lager infografikk for å formidle det rette budskapet.

As per Pablo, “Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.”

Og vi er enige!

Fokuser på følelsen du ønsker å formidle gjennom grafen din, og velg farger i samsvar med den.

The following example relates to an infographic based on Christmas. Have a look at how it’s colors bring about the festive mood they aimed for.

Han ville strebe etter det ypperste

Fremragende kvalitet er ikke noe man får i gave, men noe man oppnår.

Og det mente Picasso også.

He was once quoted saying, “Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.”

Det er det gylne mantraet for å lage en vellykket infografikk.

Cultivate in you the habit of creating these visual aids. Look at any content you’re about to publish, be it a long-form article or a short blog, and ask yourself whether this is an apt opportunity to integrate a chart therein. You will find the more you put out those graphs with your content publications, the more opportunities for online customer engagement you receive. Also, keep an eye out for what is working for the readers and what isn’t so as to take necessary precautions while making the next chart.

Avsluttende tanker

In the end, we would just like to remind you that while an infographic can justly be called a summarized visual representation of your work, its integration with said work is of utmost importance to enhance the attention captivity and span of the reader.

Picasso var en mester i dette og en mester i sin kunst.

Det er din tur til å bli den neste Picasso!


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kommunikasjon innen vitenskap.

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- Veiledninger og maler