Hi there! We have new scientific illustrations for you! Every friday we show waht is new on mind the graph, so you can catch up the news on our blog. But besides these illustrations, we already have over eight thousand others available on our platform.


Nye vitenskapelige illustrasjoner

Euproctis chrysorrhoea

Aka the brunhalemøll, is native of Europe, Asia and north of Africa. The brown-tail moth produces one generation a year. It has four life stages: egg, larval, pupal, and adult. We already have the illustrations of larvae available but this week we added the adult form.


Nobel prize winners 

Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015  jointly “for mechanistic studies of DNA repair.” We also have other illustrations of scientists, as Sir Alexander Fleming.

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Have you ever heard about Enology? It is the science and study of wine and winemaking; distinct from viticulture, the agricultural endeavours of vine-growing and of grape-harvesting. So, if you are an enologist or just a wine lover, check our complete category of enology.


Jord- og måneformørkelse

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind Earth and into its shadow. But this can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are exactly or very closely aligned, with Earth between the other two. On the other hand, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes in front of the Sun.



Coccinellidae er en utbredt familie av små biller kjent som marihøner. Entomologer foretrekker imidlertid navnene marihønebiller eller marihønebiller, ettersom disse insektene ikke er klassifisert som ekte insekter.



Det vanlige vortesvinet (Phacochoerus africanus) er et vilt medlem av grisefamilien (Suidae) som lever på gressletter, savanner og i skogsområder i Afrika sør for Sahara.




It is a part of the immune and neuroimmune systems. They have an important role in allergy and anaphylaxis pathways. However, mast cells also play an important protective role. They are involved in angiogenesis, immune tolerance, defense against pathogens, and blood–brain barrier function.



Hvordan kan jeg bruke disse illustrasjonene i publikasjonene mine?

Yes. Mind the Graph is an online platform to allow scientists to create eye-catching scientific presentations, graphical abstracts, infographics and more. Besides the library of scientific illustrations, you can use text, charts, icons and upload your own images to create a complete presentation. You can try it for free or upgrade to have unlimited features. Moreover, our illustrations are based on requests from our subscribers. So, if you don’t find the one you need, you can request it at no extra cost.

tenk på grafen vitenskapelige illustrasjoner



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