One of the biggest fears in the academic world is doing a presentation. Maybe you won’t skip a oral presentation but you can skip a poster presentation.
Og her er grunnen til det:

Posters are a showcase of your work. If you show something boring or useless, people will dismiss it at first glance; if you show something fresh and relevant, people will start asking questions and try to learn more about it.vitenskapelig illustrasjonI know it crossed your mind, but no, you don’t want to showcase your work poorly just so you skip some questions.
Det du gjør er enkelt: Gjør plakaten din selvforklarende.

How? Put a scientific illustration on it!

Good examples of scientific illustration are infographics. They are smart, beautiful and self-explanatory. The better job you do, the faster people will understand what your research is about.
Hvis du er litt usikker på plakatpresentasjonen din, er dette den perfekte løsningen for deg!

Making your poster self-explanatory means you will stand out from the crowd and make a great impression to everybody. Plus, you won’t have to answer many questions.

vitenskapelig illustrasjon

Tenk slik:
How much information do you really take in from a sea of posters during a conference? Which ones do you remember? The one with a lot of text or with an awesome scientific illustration?
If our memories are more visual than anything, how come you don’t use images to present your work?

Når du setter folk i stand til å tenke og forstå selv, gjør du informasjonen tilgjengelig. Det betyr at folk har halvparten av arbeidet med å forstå hva forskningen din handler om, i stedet for å be om en forklaring.

Making information accessible means to simplify and transmit only relevant aspects. That’s exactly what a scientific illustration does.

Føler du deg klar til å ta plakatene dine til et nytt nivå med en fantastisk vitenskapelig illustrasjon?


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