I’m sorry to tell you, but you could be on your way to a boring paper. No, it has nothing to do with your studying field. However, it has to do with how easy it is to understand your work.

There are some steps you can follow to lower your chances of writing a boring paper:

Tell a story

The reader will expect a logical line of thought when reading your research. If your ideas are confusing, someone will hardly get interested in what you are saying.

Say what you mean

Be straight forward and quit adding irrelevant information. Always ask yourself if that information is essential for the reader’s comprehension.

Use visual flows of information

Maybe you are not that great at writing – most of us isn’t. Thus, make sure readers can easily understand what your paper is about someway else. Or, if you followed the other two steps perfectly, go the extra mile and improve it even more!

Using visual flows maybe the most important step to follow. New researches are getting developed everyday, but it does not mean science communication is efficient.

You want to get published? To be cited? Or, to communicate science well?
Start using science inforgraphics.


Make sure your research is not becoming a boring paper

Here is an example of how a “regular” paper would look without science infographics:

Are you writing a boring paper?

And here is the real version of this paper:

Are you writing a boring paper?

Visual information improves readability; untangles complex information; and shows you master your own research – it may sound funny, but most scientists cannot explain efficiently their own work.

Are you writing a boring paper?

If you think you are not ready to start using visual flows by yourself, our post “What makes a good infographic?” can give you a little hand.

You already spent a lot of time developing an amazing research. Don’t waste all of your work writing a boring paper.

Need a hand writing your research paper? Check this complete eBook on the process of preparing a scientific research paper.

Download this eBook and learn how to write an attractive paper.


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