You work for years spending money, presenting your findings at conferences, facing the daily challenges of doing a scientific research and finally you get your paper published!

Now what? You think it’s done? NOPE!

Unless your goal was a boring extra line in your curriculum, your mission is not over! What’s the use of a published paper if nobody reads it? If ingen siterer det?

Er det noen som leser forskningen din?

Visste du at 50% av alle publiserte artikler aldri blir lest av andre enn forfattere, fagfeller og tidsskriftredaktører? Enda verre er det at 90% av dem aldri blir sitert! Ikke en eneste gang!

Hvis du vil bli sitert, må du bli sett.

Whoever publishes in a renowned journal as Nature or Science usually gets a lot of visilibity. But what about us? How mere mortals can get visibility?

Bare følg disse fire trinnene:

Få en sexy tittel


Believe me, science is all about attraction. There are too many papers available and your reader has limited time to find relevant information. Make your reader interested at first glance and you’re half way there.


Velg søkeordene dine med omhu


Keywords are how other people will find your paper. Don’t waste your keywords in words that don’t represent the essence of your research.


Jobb hardt med sammendraget ditt


Time is precious and no one will read a whole research in order to find if it will be useful. If you manage to make your reader interested in the title or the keywords, amazing! Now you have the abstract to sell your research using a bit more information. Write the abstract in a way to present the relevant information in your paper and win the reader over.


Et bilde sier mer enn tusen ord


If you couldn’t manage the other three steps, don’t worry. Focus on having an awesome graphical abstract telling the story of your paper or showing an important part of your findings.

De superkule dataene du har, vil gå tapt mellom avsnittene, så bruk infografikk for å catch the readers’ eye og presentere det som er fantastisk med arbeidet ditt!

Nå vet du hva du skal gjøre, LET’S DO IT!


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