The blurb – the writing on the back of a book’s cover that informs you what the book is about – is an important aspect of the writing and publishing process. 
While this may appear to be a daunting task, this Mind The Graph article will introduce you to it, explain hva er en blurb?, og hjelper deg med noen få trinn for å skrive en fengende ingress på en effektiv måte.

Hva betyr blurb?

The blurb is the writing on the back of a book’s cover that describes its contents. The blurb should include any information that best portrays the book and piques the readers’ interest

For example, the highlights of a study’s findings might be appealing to fresh researchers in an academic book. A thriller would benefit from an excerpt that discloses an intriguing piece of the tale and leaves the readers craving for more. It’s more than simply a description though; blurbs are what sell books. It is simply a highly original and concise sales presentation designed to persuade consumers to purchase the book. As a result, some people find writing blurbs difficult, if not downright unpleasant.

Sometimes a famous person or even another writer can accomplish the work of a strong blurb. A renowned name on the cover makes a book attractive, the same as how a celebrity endorsing a product enhances the demand for a product. However, if the celebrity’s endorsement is too unclear or does not specifically mention the book, it will not assist in advertising it.

So, while selecting or creating your book’s blurb, keep in mind that it must convince potential readers to say “yes” to your book, to become true readers, and carry your words and thoughts with them.

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Slik skriver du en god baksidetekst

Nå som du vet det hva en blurb erDisse enkle stegene bør hjelpe deg med å lage en attraktiv tekst.

  1. Begynn med å lese noen bokomtaler i ditt område. Noter deg hva som tiltrekker deg, hva du blir opphisset av, og viktigst av alt, hva som kan få deg til å plukke opp boken og begynne å lese.
  2. Examine your book proposal, manuscript evaluations, or any other feedback you may have and select any encouraging words and phrases. Consider how you may include them in your blurb.
  3. Explain your book’s unique selling point as clearly as possible.
  4. Definer målgruppen din. Dette kan gjøres etter personkategori eller interesseområde.
  5. Use strong language, such as ‘unique,’ ‘amazing,’ and ‘revolutionary,’ especially if such terms were used by your reviewers or in your proposal. This type of speech piques the interest of potential readers.
  6. Konsentrer deg om den første setningen, for det er den som er viktigst. Gjør den så engasjerende som mulig.
  7. Jobb nesten like hardt med den siste setningen. Skjønnlitterære blurbs inneholder ofte en cliffhanger, og akademiske bøker kan sjelden gjøre det, men forsøk i det minste å være spennende.
  8. En ingress er ofte begrenset til 100-150 ord, noe som gjør at det ikke er plass til mye svada. Hold det kort og enkelt.
  9. Get your publisher’s input and test out your blurb on a few friends or coworkers you can trust to provide honest helpful feedback.
  10. Forbered deg på å revidere, revidere, finpusse, finpusse og revidere litt til etter tilbakemeldingene. Du kan faktisk gjøre det uansett.

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