Writing a scientific paper is difficult enough, right? Well, nothing is so bad that can’t get worse. For most people, one of the most difficult parts is how to present the scientific data. For this reason, we decided to give a little hand and help you with choosing the type of chart you should use!

First things first, there are basically four types of data presentation: Comparison, Distribution, Relationship and Composition. Each of them has a set of charts especific for the type of data you have. If you are in doublt about what to use, ask yourself first “what is the nature of my data?”. Only after answering this question, you are ready to decide the right chart.

You already know the type of data you have? Awesome! You are ready to find out the best chart for your research!

Comparison Chart

What chart should I use?

Distribution and Relationship Chart

What chart should I use?

Composition Chart

What chart should I use?

Nowadays, we struggle with an immeasurable amount of information available. This amount is overwelming and prevent us from getting fully updated all the time. For that reason, it is extremly important to communicate well. That means, to make yourself understood easily. This is particularly essential in the scientific world, since communicating well can determine if your research will be noticed or not.

If your readers are having a hard time trying to figure out what you are saying, it means your communication has failed. The right chart can help you making your communication efficient.

A scientific paper demands a lot of energy and time. It is always a good idea to think about the tools you use to build and present it. If you also need some help with other parts of your research, read our post “8 tips to improve your research” .

Feeling ready to write the best scientific paper of your life?

What chart should I use?


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