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How do I cancel my subscription?

No longer interested in using Mind The Graph?

It is essential that you cancel your subscription so that there are no future charges, all right? ?

The cancellation process is super simple, just follow the steps below.

1. Access the Plan and Billing tab of your account and select the Starter plan. ?

2. On the cancellation page, click the “Cancel subscription” button. ?

3. When you click on the cancel button, discount options for the next renewal, subscription break, or speaking to our support team will become available. ?

The discount options are only valid for the next renewal and work as follows: you get a free month if your subscription is annual and 50% off if it’s monthly. The discount amount is applied directly to your next renewal.

You can also choose to pause your subscription for 1, 2, or 3 months. During the pause, your subscription will not be renewed. After the period you choose, it returns automatically.

If you still want to cancel your subscription, click “cancel subscription”.

And don’t forget to contact our support team if you have any questions.

Subscriptions linked to Paypal are canceled immediately and subscriptions linked to any other payment method remain active until the end of the cycle. During this time, you can use the platform with all the benefits of a subscriber, including requesting new illustrations! ?

You can check the expiration date of the subscription and also give feedbacks to the platform, so we can always improve your experience ??

Is there anything we can do to make you stay? Let us know. Get in touch through the chat button.?
