For undergrads and grad students in Biomedical sciences, it’s common to face the need to create scientific illustrations for posters, papers or for a educational assay, isn’t it? You often need schemes and figures to improve the appearance of the work and, therefore, øke synligheten av hva du gjør.

But, where do you find them or, rather, hvordan lager man vitenskapelige illustrasjoner? Let me guess.

If you are not skilled in Photoshop or Illustrator, which is the vast majority of Life Science, Health and Biomedical students, you probably go to Google Images, for example, and spend several minutes, if not hours trying to find what you need. But you don’t always find exactly the right illustrations, do you? And if you find, one is 2-D, the other 3-D, the other one has a disturbing colorful background, and so on.

Slik var det mange ganger da jeg tok doktorgraden min. Heldigvis finnes det nye måter å lage vakre vitenskapelige illustrasjoner på.

Mind the Graph this platform offers thousands of scientific illustrations, which you can use directly online. They are all in the same style, and so beautiful! You can use them in banners, posters for conferences, scientific articles, classes and so on. It’s well crafted and complete. Plus, if you don’t find what you need, they will add new on demand illustrations for you. In the platform you can insert images, charts, edit the image background, etc and customize everything how you need to create your own unique scientific figure. The highlight is the quality and variety of illustrations in life science, biomedicine and health.vitenskapelige illustrasjonerSlik fungerer det

Å surfe på Google Bilder ble ærlig talt bortkastet tid!

Du kan også prøve Servier bank, which is created by a pharmaceutical industry that offers editable images in ppt. It’s handy for simple schemes, but in the end you find it all (and more) in Mind the Graph.

Viktig: Begge plattformene tilbys under Creative Commons-lisens (CC), noe som betyr at du kan bruke nettjenestene og redigere bildene i plattformen uten å betale noe. Du trenger bare å sitere dem. Bruk, del og nyt!

Folk vil bli tiltrukket av det du skaper og forstå deg bedre!

Det er for øvrig denne typen illustrasjoner du finner i denne gratis online infografikkprodusenten. Why don’t you try by yourself? It’s free!vitenskapelige illustrasjoner


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