The Zika virus has caught the world’s attention for the past few months after causing many deaths and birth defects in babies. However, the fact that a virus could cause that much damage is no news to many families.

For decades pregnant women feel the threat of getting infected by the cytomegalovirus (CMV). Despite all consequences of a CMV infection and the fact that the virus is well-known, there is still no cure neither investments to prevent this virus from spreading.

Stoppe cmv

I begynnelsen av denne måneden, Naturens nettsted lagt ut en kritikk av oppmerksomheten zikaviruset har fått. Spesielt med tanke på de sosiale skjevhetene som spredningen av zikaviruset har ført til.

The Zika virus obviously present a major threat to public health. However, the CMV virus has been neglected even though it presents similar consequences and danger. Nature post did not take away the importance of discussing the Zika virus spread. It only questioned our stand on worrying a lot about a “third world” disease while we have been sweeping under the rug similar problems.

Nevertheless, even on the darkest moments we can still find light. Personalities involved in the CMV prevention and research see a glimmer of hope coming from all panic caused by the Zika virus.

“Birth defects are not high on the public-health agenda. Zika is an opportunity.” Stanley Plotkin, retired scientist who developed the current vaccine against rubella.

"Zika har blitt en måte å åpne opp for samtaler om CMV på." Janelle Greenlee, medgrunnlegger av CMV-stiftelsen.

Diskusjonen om Zika-viruset har blitt så omfattende at andre studier om misdannelser hos spedbarn kan være til nytte. CMV-viruset er fortsatt et stort problem som må løses. Men etter hvert som ny forskning på zikaviruset utvikler seg, kan vi kanskje finne en måte å stoppe mange andre patogener på og kanskje utrydde misdannelsesproblemene.

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