We talk a lot about how science is changing and becoming more interactive. Also, we notice the information flood daily as we hardly follow the new discoveries made. Well, we can testify all these facts everyday. However, apart from the obvious facts, what else is happening? For example, what new techonologies are being developed so science flow can change?

Science is getting more interactive and easy to understand. New technologies comprehend many ideas and one of them is visual communication. That means infographics, graphical abstracts, 2D and 3D illustrations, videos, etc. It seems like all scientific information written is being transformed into visual information.

A good example of how visual information can be extremely relevant in science is Nucleus Medical Media. The company exists since 1997. However, the level of their productions was never seen before. visual information

Their service on visual information fits all needs of the medical audience. The result is a material accurated and beautiful ready to be used in science communication.

As amazing as Nucleus can be, they took another step showing how far they are planning to go. The new videos published on their social media present new trends in online video techniques. The example below uses the 360° tool to bring a closer look inside the human body. See by yourself!

visual information

Feeling inside a cell or a part of the human body and being able to interact with it helps understanding how processes work.

Science is not following the world steps on improving communication. What other amazing things can we expect in the future?

visual information

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