May is the skin cancer awareness month. It’s very important talk about it, because skin cancer is the most common cancer and the ultraviolet light exposure is the main ambiental factor. However, is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer. With an early diagnosis, when it’s small and has not spread, skin cancer is much easier to treat. There are three main types of skin cancer, melanoma, basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. Today, we’ll talk about melanoma.

By raising awareness of the dangers of unprotected exposure and encouraging sun-safe habits, we can change behaviors and save lives.

Melanoma skin cancer

Melanoma is a skin cancer that develops in cells called melanocytes. These cells are responsible for the production of melanin and derive from the neural crest cells. Melanoma is less common than some other types of skin cancer, but it is more likely to grow and spread.


What are the symptoms?

Melanomas may present as spots or nodules. The ABCDE rule is used to identify a possible melanoma.

melanoma skin cancer

How to prevent?

Avoid exposure to the sun between 10:00am and 04:00pm.

Apply sunscreen regularly on the skin to protect against ultraviolet rays and prevent the appearance of skin cancer. Reapply several times a day, especially after swimming or sweating a lot.

Wear protective clothing and use hats.

Observe your body closely. Look for changes in shape, size, or color in pre-existing or newly appearing spots.

Consult a dermatologist.

How do physicians diagnose skin cancer?

It is important to consult a dermatologist to a skin examination and have a complete diagnosis. In many cases, the appearance alone is sufficient to make the diagnosis.

There is a cure for skin cancer?

Yes, ninety percent of skin cancers are cured as long as theyare detected and treated early.

To more informations, consult the American Cancer Society and  Cancer Research UK.


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