Precision is the trademark of a scientist. Leaving no stones unturned, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna discovered the revolutionary tool in gene technology called CRISPR/Cas9, “The Genetic Scissors”. The pioneers, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna, of this life changing tool are being felicitated with the Nobel Prize in chemistry, 2020. Their invention in 2012 led to countless discoveries in important fields like cancer research, plant research and finding cures for inherited diseases. The CRISPR/Cas9 tool has made it easier to edit the genetic sequences at the exact location in less time. Their discovery has transformed the perspective towards life sciences. It is a stepping stone for the new era in genetics that will benefit the living. 

Hva er CRISPR/Cas9 og hvordan ble det oppdaget?

CISPR/CAS9 er et genredigeringsverktøy som brukes til å klippe en DNA-sekvens på nøyaktig det stedet man ønsker. CRISPR står for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, og Cas9 er et enzym som hjelper til med å klippe sekvensen. CRISPR har to hovedfunksjoner, nemlig nukleotidrepeatere og avstandsstykker. I CRISPR fungerer nukleotidsekvensene vanligvis som en malstreng som transkriberer et komplementært RNA, som til slutt ble kalt CRISPR RNA (cr RNA). Emmanuelle Charpentier og Jennifer Doudna var de første til å finne ut om disse spacerne og repeaterne. De fant også ut at Cas9-enzymet som hjalp til med å kutte DNA-sekvensen, bandt seg til andre RNA-molekyler. De to molekylene, cr RNA og transaktiverende cr RNA, hjalp Cas9-enzymet med å kutte på målstedet i det dobbeltstrengede DNA-et.

The discovery was made by Emmanuelle Charpentier while observing the immune mechanism of the streptococcus bacterium against the virus. The fact that intrigued her the most was how a molecule of RNA found in the bacteria had a very similar genetic code as the CRISPR of the bacteria.  After analyzing the two sequences it was found that the RNA molecule matched the repeating part of the CRISPR. On further research she found that this small RNA molecule activated the RNA sequence in the presence of Cas9. The RNA sequence was the result of CRISPR sequence.  This molecule was called as the trans activating CRISPR RNA. When a bacterium is infected by a virus, the bacteria adds the viral DNA into its genome at the CRISPR region as a memory. This helps the bacteria from further new infection. This CRISPR DNA is then copied to make CRISPR RNA that is supposed to be Cleaved to form viral DNA that would help in recognizing the foreign viral DNA. 

Senere analyserte Jennifer Doudna om dette virus-DNA-et kunne identifiseres ved hjelp av CRISPR RNA og Cas9-enzymmolekylet. Etter flere eksperimenter kunne de fortsatt ikke identifisere det, og innså at det var noe som manglet. Neste gang de utførte eksperimentet, ble derfor det transaktiverende cr RNA-molekylet som ble oppdaget av Emmanuelle, også lagt til. Til deres overraskelse ble det virale DNA-et identifisert, noe som førte til den nye æonen som skulle komme. 

Today CRISPR/Cas9 has dawned new approach towards living. It is being used in various fields of science. This tool has been evolutionary in the medical sciences. Today the researchers are working towards ending inherited disorders which has affected mankind the most.  The other field where this tool is being utilized is agriculture to modify the plant into infection resistant, in drug development, in gene therapy and many more. With a regulatory and ethical use of this tool, the humankind can experience a limitless world. 



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