Hello, it’s friday again (YAY) and it’s time to see the new scientific illustrations of the week! As you know, every week we add many illustrations to mind the graph platform. All these illustrations are available to all mind the graph users (free users included). Moreover, most of our illustrations are based on requests from our subscribers. We already have a library with thousands of scientific illustrations available. However, it’s possible that you don’t find a specific illustrantion you need. Don’t worry! If you are a subscriber, you can request it at no extra cost. But, if you aren’t a subscriber yet, don’t worry too! You can upgrade now to enjoy all the benefits of a premium account.


Finally, now let’s take a look at the new scientific illustrations of the week:


Melipona seminigra 

“I would like to have figures of stingless bees, specifically the Melipona seminigra specie”



Hest med synlige lunger





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