Sometimes, being a scientist means experience unusual or funny situations during work. The routine of field scientists, everyday life can present unforeseen situations, making great stories.

Field scientists shared their most embarrassing #Fieldworkfails in social media, with stories sometimes gross and scary but mostly hilarious. This hashtag became famous in 2015, being old news now.

However, Jim Jourdane, a french designer has decided turn their stories into amazing illustrations, creating a book with the best ones. His book will be available in english, spanish and french. Jourdane interviewed all scientists whose stories were included in his book to get a better understanding of their fieldwork and its details.

Take a break and have fun with some field scientists stories:

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More info: Facebook

Don’t forget to tell us your story. Do you already experienced something that should be in this book?

A break at work with science:


Also, Illustrations are not just for fun. Your science paper can reach much more people with visual abstracts:


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