If you want to encourage meaningful group discussions, it is not enough to just ask a question and expect people to contribute. You need to craft discussion questions that are thought-provoking, engaging, and relevant to the group’s interests. In this article, we will explore some tips for writing questions that spark discussions and provide insight into what makes a good discussion question.

What Makes A Good Discussion Question?

Before we dive into the mechanics of writing discussion questions, let’s discuss what makes a good question. A good discussion question is one that is relevant to the group’s topic, encourages thoughtful responses, and fosters a productive conversation. It should also be open-ended enough to allow for multiple perspectives and not have a single “right!” answer.

More Questions = More Participation

Do not be afraid to ask multiple questions during a discussion. Research has shown that groups are more likely to participate in discussions when there are more questions to respond to. This is because multiple questions give everyone in the group the opportunity to weigh in, providing a more diverse set of perspectives and ideas.

Have Learners Share What They Already Know

A great way to spark a discussion is to ask learners to share what they already know about the topic. This not only allows them to demonstrate their understanding but also provides opportunities for others to build on their ideas or correct any misconceptions.

Introduce Controversy

Introducing controversial topics can also spark lively discussions. However, it is important to be mindful of group dynamics and create a safe space for all participants to express their opinions without fear of judgment or criticism.

Help All Learners Engage

It is important to create questions that engage all learners, regardless of their background, level of knowledge, or learning style. This means including questions that can be answered at different levels of complexity and incorporating both visual and auditory stimuli to appeal to learners with different preferred learning methods.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions are key to generating thoughtful, insightful discussions. Avoid questions that can lead to simple “yes” or “no” answers as these are not likely to spark much conversation. Instead, ask questions that require respondents to think critically, explain their reasoning, and support their responses with evidence.

Do Not Be Afraid To Share Your Opinion

It is important to share your opinion in a constructive manner, while also considering the opinions of others. This allows for open dialogue and a diverse range of viewpoints, which can lead to better decision-making and progress. However, it is also important to remember that not everyone will agree with you, and it is essential to respect other people’s opinions and beliefs. Being respectful and open-minded is key to having meaningful and productive conversations. Additionally, it is important to be aware of your own biases and strive to see things from other perspectives.

Ask for Opinions

Asking for others’ opinions is a great way to encourage conversation and different perspectives. To facilitate this, it is important to create an inclusive and safe environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their opinions without fear of judgment or criticism. This means fostering an environment where everyone is valued and respected, regardless of their background or beliefs. It is also important to be aware of potential biases and privileges that may influence perspectives and work to create a more equitable environment.

4 Online Tools To Start Discussion Questions

Creating discussion questions that actually spark discussions requires careful consideration and planning. Here are four online tools that can help researchers create and apply polls, and collect and analyze the results:


It is a user-friendly platform that provides a range of question types, from multiple-choice and ranking questions to open-ended questions. It allows respondents to answer questions on a wide range of devices, from smartphones to tablets, making it accessible to a broad range of users. Disadvantages: It can be expensive for larger surveys, and may not have the depth or precision of some specialized research tools.

Google Forms

It is a free and easy-to-use online polling tool to suit specific research needs. It also integrates with other Google services, such as Gmail and Google Drive, making it convenient to manage and share data. Google Forms may not have the same range of question types and customization options as specialized research tools.


This professional survey platform offers a range of question types, customization options, and advanced analytics capabilities. It also provides user-friendly tools for creating and administering surveys and collecting data, making it easy to use for researchers with varying levels of technical expertise. Qualtrics may be more expensive than some other online polling tools, and may have a slightly steeper learning curve.


An integrated survey platform that offers a range of question types, customization options, and advanced analytics capabilities, SurveySparrow also provides tools for creating and managing surveys, collecting data, and generating reports, making it a comprehensive and user-powered platform for researchers. While it could have a higher cost compared to certain alternative online polling tools, there might be a slightly steeper learning curve associated with it.

Polls Online Vs. Physically 

Advantages Of Applying Online Polls

  • Convenience: Online polls can be accessed from anywhere at any time, making it more convenient for both the pollers and the respondents.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Online polls are often less expensive than traditional polling methods, which can be costly in terms of time, resources, and personnel.
  • Immediate results: Results from online polls can be analyzed and interpreted in real-time, without the need for manual data entry or processing.
  • Access to a larger sample size: Online polls can reach a larger audience and capture a more diverse range of opinions and perspectives, which can lead to results that are more reliable.

Disadvantages Of Applying Polls Online

  • Bias: Online polls are prone to response bias, as participants may not respond honestly or be represented fairly.
  • Technical issues: technical issues such as server downtime, bugs, and hacking attempts, leading to incomplete or inaccurate results, can affect online polls.
  • Inaccessibility: Not everyone has access to the internet or the necessary technology to participate in online polls, which can result in a biased sample size.
  • Privacy concerns: Online polls can pose privacy concerns, as it collects and stores data on servers, which can be prone to data breaches and security threats.

The key to determining whether an online or physical pool would be most appropriate for a specific research project would depend on several factors, including the target audience, research question, desired level of participation, and budget. It is important to consider these factors and weigh the pros and cons of each method before deciding which one to use.

How To Write Discussion Questions

When crafting effective discussion questions, it’s essential to consider both the content and the purpose of the discussion. Begin by focusing on the subject matter and the objectives of your discussion. To start, think about what specific topics or concepts you want your participants to engage with. Then, consider the depth of analysis you’re aiming for. How to write discussion questions that stimulate thoughtful dialogue depends on your desired outcome, whether it’s fostering critical thinking, encouraging diverse perspectives, or assessing comprehension.

Once you’ve defined your objectives, the next step in the process of how to write discussion questions is to structure them effectively. Start with open-ended questions that require more than a simple “yes” or “no” answer. These questions should invite participants to share their thoughts, experiences, and opinions. Additionally, ensure your questions are clear and concise, avoiding ambiguity or leading phrasing. Remember to include follow-up questions that probe deeper into the topic, encouraging participants to elaborate on their initial responses. Ultimately, crafting effective discussion questions is an art that improves with practice and feedback.

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