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Mind the Graph
Mind the Graph

Create and Edit Scientific Infographics
in Minutes, Not Hours!

Over 75,000 Illustrations and 300 Templates to Elevate Your Research, Classes and Speeches

Trusted by researchers and academics from 100+ institutions

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Over 322,000 users around the world

Hear from who are sky rocketing their academic career with us!

"No other tool does what Mind the Graph does!"

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— Margarida Agrochão

PhD student at Caltech / USA


Save 30% more with our research tools pack

Mind the Graph + 6 AI Tools withEditage All Access

Mind the Graph + 6 AI Tools withEditage All access

Everything a researcher needs. All in one pack.


Choose from 300+ Templates, All Crafted by Scientists for Your Needs

100% fully customizable, you can easily personalize and instantly download, present or share your work.

Templates Images

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

Yes. Upon cancellation, you will still be able to use Mind the Graph's platform as a paid subscriber - until the end of your previously subscribed period*.

After it expires, your plan will be downgraded to Starter, and all your new creations must respect the free accounts license. Your prior creations will be blocked, but we'll keep them safe in case you ever want to come back as a paid subscriber.

*Except for Paypal payments, in which the subscription cancels immediately.

As an annual subscriber, you get up to 50% off (almost 6 months for free!). Just a one-time fee for the entire year, renewed every 12 months.

As a monthly subscriber, payments are done every month, with automatic renewal by default. However, you can cancel at any time and it won't cost you any extra fees.

Absolutely. We understand that each research project is unique and might require specific science figures, graphical abstracts, diagrams, and graphics.

Our team works with you to understand your specific needs and then create custom designs that accurately reflect your research findings and objectives.

Sure! You can use Mind the Graph for graphical abstracts, scientific papers, presentations, classes, books, lectures, blogs, social media, and so on.

The Teams & Labs plan is designed for academic and industry teams with a need for advanced and personalized resources.

It has a limit of up to 11 users (which makes it cheaper than individual subscriptions), dedicated customer support, team collaboration, multiple simultaneous users, assistance from our design team for templates, slides presentations, brand patterns, discounts for graphical abstracts, and the possibility of confidentiality for on-demand illustrations.

As Mind the Graph is a platform built to help scientists increase their impact and spread visual communication across scientific and educational environments, many universities provide financial assistance or reimbursement for our subscriptions.

You must check with your lab head, professor, or director about the availability.

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