Terms of use
Last updated: March 27, 2020
Summary of updates on the last version published on March 2019.
- Subscription types: the upgrade from the version of the platform will give access to the full features of the product and includes an ondemand illustration service, included in the subscription price. Thereare 3 different types of subscription “Student”, “Researcher” and “Teams & Labs” whose features are described in mindthegraph.com/pricing
- Automatic renewal: every subscription can be done with monthly or annually payments, with the same benefits. The Monthly subscription is charged every month, whereas the Annual subscription is charged every year, always starting at the time of subscription. Therefore, it is considered a pre-payment mechanism that gives access to the platform for the following subscription period. The renewal is automatic in all subscription types.
- Cancelation: If the client doesn’t want to continue using the platform, he or she can decide to cancel the subscription to avoid being charged in the forthcoming period. The canceled subscription does not mean immediate block to the platform. Instead, one will still be able to use the platform normally until the end of the current period. If the subscription in NOT canceled, it will be renewed automatically in every period.
Refund policy: We will refund duplicated payments/subscription and compensate any eventual financial loss from our clients with refund and/or extended subscription period. It is our policy to NOT refund users that simply forget to cancel the subscription in due time.
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the http:// www.mindthegraph.com website, operated by Mind the GraphLLC ("us", "we").
This Terms of Use describes how visitors and users of Mind the Graph (www.mindthegraph.com) are allowed to use the content of the website and under which conditions they can use the online editor to create its own content. By visiting, remaining on this site and using the editor, you are agreeing to our Terms of Use, if you do not agree with any of these terms, please do not access this site or use the online editor.
The content stored in and created with mindthegraph.com are available under a free culture Creative Commons license. Free users are allowed to publicly present the infographics created with the Mind the Graph editor and use the illustrations available in the website, provided that Mind the Graph watermark logo is kept in theimage, as exported via the website. Modifications on prior work mayalso be performed, if you agree to also share the modified work. By using the website, you also allow other Mind the Graph users to use your images and create upon them, under the same terms. This is known in the CC community as "attribution share-alike 4.0 licensing". More details about this license can be found here:
Subscribers are entitled full rights to their creations and are recognized as authors, keeping its rights and ability to transfer authorial rights to third-part publishers without previous consult to Mind the Graph. They can also perform public presentations of the pictures at their own discretion.
Caracteristics of the Creative Commons license used for free users:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. We suggest that the published material mentions the following sentence “Figure created in the Mind the Graph platform, available at www.mindthegraph.com” in the appropriate section of your paper, class or conference talk, whenever possible.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
Users are free to enter our site and export the infographics to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Unless otherwise stated, Mind the Graph reserves the right to distribute the content created via the website www.mindthegraph.com without previous authorization of the users, irrespective of its status (free user or subscriber). There is an option to keep the content private in the “My Creations” section of the website. In this case, the content shallbe considered of restricted use by its creator.
Subscription terms
The subscription to Mind the Graph website gives access to a full version of the product, including additional features and on demand illustration service. This depends on the type of subscription selected, with different costs. The details about what’s included in each subscription type are available at
In brief, we offer the ”Free”, “Student”, “Researcher” and “Teams & Labs” versions of the Mind the Graph platform. The “Free” version is perfect for an initial experience with the platform and includes thebasic features. The “Student” subscription allows o edit 2 figures, to upload up to 5 external files, use up to 10 scientific illustrations in the creations and request 1 illustration per month to our on demandservice. The “Researcher” subscription allows unlimited edition of figures, unlimited upload of external files, unlimited use of scientific illustrations, request up to 5 on demand illustrations per month and have high priority for support. It also allows to keep creations in private mode and to create full presentations in the platform. The “Teams & Labs” subscription allows unlimited edition of figures, unlimited upload of external files, unlimited use of scientific illustrations, request up to 50 on demand illustrations per month and have high priority for support. It also allows to keep creations in private mode, to create full presentations in the platform, to create templates and share content as teams. We offer discounted price forinfographic creation in the “Teams & Labs” subscription. All subscriptions include watermark-free downloads, to restore deleted files, high-resolution exports and use of templates in the platform.
Subscription duration and Renewal
Every subscription can be done with monthly or annually payments, with the same benefits. The only difference between monthly and annual subscriptions it’s the progressive discount in the annual modality. The Monthly subscription is charged every month whereas the Annual subscription is charged every year, always starting at the time of subscription. Therefore, it is considered a pre-payment mechanism that gives access to the platform for the following subscription period. The renewal is automatic in every subscription. The client will be charged periodically to ensure the access to the platform.
Cancelation and Refund policy
If the client doesn’t want to continue using the platform, he or she can decide to cancel the subscription to avoid being charged in the forthcoming period. The canceled subscription does not mean immediate block to the platform; instead, one will still be able to usethe platform normally until the end of the current period. If the subscription in NOT canceled, it will be renewed automatically everyperiod. It is our policy to not refund users that simply forget to cancel. The cancelation process is described in the general session of our help center:
https://mindthegraph.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/202922278-General-info. Any financial loss caused by a mistake at our side, be it due to an error of the system or a personalmistake from a member of Mind the Graph team will be compensated as a refund or extended subscription period. Our payment system is designed to prevent the occurrence of systematic mistakes and we will always dedicate our best efforts to solve any question that eventually happens. Refunds will be grantedin case of duplicated payment or subscription, in case of charging a subscription when the client already canceled it before the renewal period or in any reasonable case. We will not refund subscription due to incomplete cancelation process and/or when the client forgot to cancel in due time for any reason. Any special case will be evaluated by the customer success team and communicated accordingly.
Privacy policy
This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information when you use our website. While registering or using our website, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to, your full name and email, used for login purposes. We collect information that your browser sends whenever you visit the website. This log data may include information such as your computer's internet protocol address, browser type, browser version, the pages of our service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages and other statistics. The data will be captured, stored and used for internal purposes only, to ensure that our service is continuously improved using user-provided feedback.
Access to Youtube API and Third-part content
Mind the Graph uses a connection to youtube content via API, this means that part of the content (e.g. sounds, videos and video covers) presented in the platform may be from third parties. By using Mind the Graph you also agree to be bound by the Youtube Terms of Service. You can consult the YouTube terms of use (
Mind the Graph does not guarantee the reliability of the use of materials and information found on its website, nor does it endorse by any means the content created by its users. We cannot guarantee the authenticity of any data which users may publish on Mind the Graph website. Mind the Graph is not liable for any loss or damages suffered in connection with the use of or exposure to any content available in www.mindthegraph.com or any user-created infographics published, emailed, accessed, transmitted or otherwise made available via the website. As a website user, you will be solely responsible for any damages or loss to any party resulting from your activities on the website.
Changes in the Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy
We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material we will try to provide at least 30 days notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion. By continuing to access or use our website and using our editor after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, please stop using the website.
Terms of Use & Privacy Concerns
If you have any questions regarding Terms of Use or Privacy in the Mind the Graph website,
please contact us through the appropriate channel in the website or via e-mail (

The content of the Mind the Graph website(
www.mindthegraph.com) is available under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.